Chinese CHI 2024
创新 · 创造 · 整合
Innovation · Creativity · Integration
2024年11月22~25日, 南方科技大学,中国深圳
November 22~25, 2024,Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China
Program of Chinese CHI 2024
北京时间 2024年11月22-25日
第一日:工作坊与研讨会11月22日,深圳南山智园C1栋 南方科技大学创新创意设计学院 & 南科大商学院一层大成礼堂签到08:00 - 09:00,智园C1栋10层、11层 |
产业报告:在智能人机交互中的多模态神经技术的创新应用(详情)08:30 - 08:50,智园C1栋1014室平行工作坊(详情)09:00 - 12:00,智园C1栋10层、11层
午餐及休息12:00 - 13:002024人机共协计算国际研讨会暨人机共协计算新书发布会(详情)13:00 - 17:40,南科大商学院一层大成礼堂(工作语言:中文,14:30后提供英语同传) |
新质生产力推动新智发展主题论坛(详情)08:30 - 17:00,智园C1栋11层报告厅(工作语言:中文,全会部分提供英语同传) |
第二日:大会与展览11月23日,南方科技大学主校园商学院楼(工作语言:英语,全会部分提供中文同传)签到08:00 - 08:30,商学院一层开幕致辞08:30 - 08:50,大成礼堂(上午时段主持人:孙效华,南方科技大学创新创意设计学院讲席教授)
主旨发言一:《以人类的数据交互致力于包容性数据体验》- Bongshin Lee,韩国延世大学计算机科学与工程系教授08:50 - 09:30摘要: 数据已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,为塑造我们的工作、生活和与世界互动的方式带来了巨大的机遇。数据可视化一直是理解数据、做出数据驱动决策和传达洞见的强大工具。然而,传统的可视化研究主要聚焦于数据交互的狭窄方面,通常局限于桌面环境,且面向专家或无障碍人士。这种有限的范围忽视了人们与数据互动的更广泛背景,以及人类需求和能力的多样性。在本次演讲中,我倡导拓宽我们的研究,以创造更具包容性和赋能性的数据交互体验。我将分享我的研究如何从传统的数据可视化扩展到对人类-数据交互的更广泛探索。我将展示一些项目,这些项目探讨了利用输入技术和人工智能进步的创新且包容性的数据交互体验。此外,我将讨论一些令人兴奋的研究方向,这些方向可以为更广泛的受众丰富数据体验,使数据和数据可视化对所有人都更具可访问性和益处。 主旨发言二:《基于数据和连通性的设计》- 胡军,荷兰埃因霍温理工大学工业设计系社会计算设计研究副教授09:30 - 10:10摘要:通过将数据连接性与人工智能的数据解释相结合,产生了新的技术机遇。它们可以被集成到现有的设计方法中,从而在日益复杂的社会环境中进行实验。将数据、连接性和解释作为设计材料使其易于访问,就像过去实现对软件和电子产品的利用一样,这是向互联社会过渡时,朝着创造性地应对复杂性挑战迈出的重要一步。在我的演讲中,我将分享我们在设计研究中的若干探索,展示设计如何在医疗保健和健康福祉的应用领域通过连接性实现创新。 茶歇10:10 - 10:20长论文报告110:20 - 12:00,108室长论文报告210:20 - 12:00,109室午餐休息12:00 - 13:00,南科大中心食堂新前沿海报展、数字艺术作品展13:00 - 14:00,商学院一层走廊、113室产业报告:《在智能人机交互中的多模态神经技术的创新应用》- 王硕,北京恒挚科技有限公司大区总监13:30 - 13:50,108室长论文报告314:00 - 15:40,108室长论文报告414:00 - 15:40,109室茶歇15:40 - 16:00大湾区专题研讨会:面向下一代交互技术:教育、研究、产业的观念转换16:00 - 17:30,大成礼堂
总结发言 - 付志勇,世界华人华侨人机交互协会会长,清华大学美术学院信息艺术设计系副教授17:30 - 17:35, 大成礼堂ICACHI理事会会议19:00 - 20:30,智园C1栋报告厅 |
第三日:大会与展览11月24日,南方科技大学主校园商学院楼(工作语言:英语,全会部分提供中文同传)签到08:00 - 08:30,商学院一层当日议程介绍 - 李旭,南方科技大学创新创意设计学院行政副院长08:30 - 08:40,大成礼堂(上午时段主持人:王韫,北京航空航天大学新媒体艺术与设计学院副教授)主旨发言三:《音乐与艺术的可视化》- 伊藤贵之,御茶水女子大学人文数据工程系、信息科学系教授,人工智能与数据科学中心主任08:40 - 09:20摘要:基于计算机的可视化技术已经发生了巨大演变,并被应用于各种学术和工业领域。近年来,可视化领域的研究者们逐渐聚焦于数字人文学科,以阐明艺术和文化的历史与哲学。本次演讲将介绍关于音乐和绘画艺术可视化的最新研究。这些研究的主要目标是帮助理解其发展历程和技术,并开发使音乐和绘画艺术更易接近的可视化用户界面。本次演讲将展示一些典型研究以及演讲者本人在音乐和绘画艺术可视化方面的研究,同时探讨与人机交互(HCI)社区未来合作的潜力。 主旨发言四:《如何实现流畅的人与AI交互设计:从人与人协作中借鉴学习》- Anthony Tang,新加坡管理大学计算与信息系统学院副教授09:20 - 10:00摘要:尽管 AI 系统在与人类互动中并非有意识的参与者,但它们可以被设计得更为流畅、灵敏和直观,使其符合人际协作的原则。本次演讲探讨了传统协作技术和人类团队动态的见解如何为更顺畅的人机交互提供指导。通过经典协作系统和基于 AI 的工具的最新发展实例,我将讨论如何在不夸大 AI 局限性的情况下设计“协作”型 AI。主要话题包括预判用户意图、管理轮流交互、支持隐性提示以及根据情境细微变化调整 AI 响应。此种人机交互视角推动了自然融入工作流程的工具,强调的是可用性与连贯性,而非对人类智能的完美模仿。 茶歇10:00 - 10:20长论文报告510:20 - 12:00, 108室长论文报告610:20 - 12:00, 109室午餐休息12:00 - 13:00,南科大中心食堂参观南科大 & 创新创意设计学院12:40 - 13:40,商学院入口出发长论文报告714:00 - 15:40, 108室长论文报告814:00 - 15:40, 109室茶歇15:40 - 16:00主旨发言五:《与世界交互》- Robert Xiao,英属哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系助理教授16:00 - 16:40,大成礼堂(下午时段主持人:安鹏铖,南方科技大学创新创意设计学院助理教授)摘要:计算传统上局限于小屏幕和设备之中。在本次演讲中,肖博士将探讨他如何将计算扩展到现实世界,使数字交互能够无缝地在我们的物理环境中进行并与之协作。 主旨发言六:《人工智能时代的科幻产业发展》- 吴岩,南方科技大学科学与人类想象力研究中心主任,人文社科学院教授16:40 - 17:20(工作语言:中文,提供英语同传)摘要:科幻是超越现有技术与社会状况并创建不在场观念与形态的文学或艺术。单纯从技术上分析,建基在对人类文字符号资料处理之上的当前一代人工智能,虽然可以很快地弥补以往人类创造过程中的版图缺失(如预测蛋白质的结构),但却无法拓展版图的外延。理论思维、直觉、想象力仍然是创新过程中起决定作用的因素。换言之,基于脱离的理论思维、直觉和想象力的机器创作至少在当前一代人工智能被取代之前,不会成为实现。在未来,机器协助人类填充了所有版图中缺失的空洞之后,具有超越性的创新还是需要人类去完成。此时,通过构建起“人-机-环境协同创新体”,科幻本身也可能成为一种独特的智能构架,为未来全新的想象智能的发展提供可能性。 艺术展竞赛颁奖17:20 - 17:30(主持人:姚远,北京交通大学建筑与艺术系讲师)闭幕致辞17:30 - 17:40
冷餐会17:40 - 18:30,商学院一层走廊 |
第四日:企业参观11月25日 08:30 - 12:00详情敬请期待 |
Day 1: Workshops and SymposiumNovember 22, Building C1, iPark, SUSTech School of Design, Shen ZhenRegistration08:00 - 09:00, 10F & 11F, Building C1, iPark |
Industry Report: Innovative Applications of Multimodal Neural Technologies in Intelligent HCI - WANG Shuo, Regional Director, Beijing Everloyal Technology Co., Ltd.
Concurrent Symposium: New Productivity for the Advancement of New Intelligence (see details)08:30 - 17:00, Conference Hall, 11F (Working language: Chinese, simultaneous translation of English provided for plenary sessions) |
Day 2: Conference and ExhibitionsNovember 23, Business School, SUSTech (Working language: English, simultaneous translation of Chinese provided for the planetary sessions)Registration08:00 - 08:30, 1F, Business SchoolOpening Remarks08:30 - 08:50, Dacheng Auditorium (Moderator: SUN Xiaohua, Chair Professor, SUSTech School of Design)
Keynote Speech 1: Human-Data Interaction for Inclusive Data Experiences - Bongshin Lee, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, South Korea
Day 3: Conferences and ExhibitionsNovember 24, Business School, SUSTech (Working language: English, simultaneous translation of Chinese provided for the planetary sessions)Registration08:00 - 08:30, 1F, Business SchoolIntroduction of the Agenda - LI Xu, Vice Dean for Administration, SUSTech School of Design08:30 - 08:40, Dacheng Auditorium (Moderator: WANG Yun, Associate Professor, School of New Media Arts & Design, Beihang University)Keynote Speech 3: Visualization for music and art - Takayuki ITOH, Professor, Department of Human Data Engineering and Information Science, Ochanomizu University; Director, AI and Data Science Center08:40 - 09:20Abstract: Computer-based visualization techniques have been drastically evolved and applied to a variety of academic and industrial fields. Recently the visualization community has been focusing on digital humanities to clarify the history and philosophy of art and culture.
This talk introduces recent studies on visualization for music and painting art.
Keynote Speech 4: Designing Fluid Human-AI Interaction: Lessons from Human-to-Human Collaboration - Anthony TANG, Associate Professor, School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University09:20 - 10:00Abstract: While AI systems are not conscious participants in interactions with humans, they can be designed to engage in ways that feel fluid, responsive, and intuitive, aligning with principles drawn from human-to-human collaboration. This talk explores how insights from traditional collaboration technologies and human team dynamics can inform smoother human-AI interaction. Using examples from both classic collaborative systems and recent developments in AI-based tools, I will discuss approaches to design that foster AI “collaboration” without misrepresenting its limitations. Key topics include anticipating user intent, managing turn-taking, supporting implicit cues, and adapting AI responses to contextual nuances. This perspective on human-AI interaction promotes tools that blend into workflows naturally, emphasizing usability and coherence rather than perfect emulation of human intelligence. Coffee Break10:00 - 10:20Long Paper Presentations 510:20 - 12:00, Rooms 108Long Paper Presentations 610:20 - 12:00, Rooms 109Lunch Break12:00 - 13:00, SUSTech CanteenCampus Tour of SUSTech & School of Design12:40 - 13:40, Departing from Business School entranceLong Paper Presentations 714:00 - 15:40, Rooms 108Long Paper Presentations 714:00 - 15:40, Rooms 109Coffee Break15:40 - 16:00Keynote Speech 5: Interacting with the World - Robert XIAO, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia16:00 - 16:40, Dacheng Auditorium (Moderator: AN Pengcheng, Assistant Professor, SUSTech School of Design)Abstract: Computing has traditionally been confined to small screens and devices. In this talk, Dr. Xiao will discuss his efforts to break computing out onto the real world - enabling digital interactions that seamlessly work on and with our physical environments. Keynote Speech 6: Development of the Science Fiction Industry in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - WU Yan, Director, Center for Science and Human Imagination; Professor, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, SUSTech16:40 - 17:20 (Working language: Chinese, with English simultaneous interpretation provided)Abstract: Science fiction is literature or art that transcends existing technology and social conditions and creates concepts and forms about absence. Purely from a technical perspective, even though the current AI technology based on the processing of human text symbol data can quickly compensate for the gap in the past human creation process (such as predicting protein structures), it cannot expand the extension of the layout. Conceptual thinking, intuition, and imagination remain the determining factors in the process for innovation. In other words, machine creations based on detached theoretical thinking, intuition, and imagination will not become a reality at least until the current generation of AI technology is replaced. In the future, even after machine can assist humans to fill up all the gaps on the map, groundbreaking innovation still needs to be accomplished by humans. At this point, by building a "human-machine-environment collaborative innovation system", science fiction itself may also become a unique intelligent framework, providing possibilities for the development of new imaginative intelligence in the future. Art Gallery Competition Awards17:20 - 17:30 (Moderator: YAO Yuan, Lecturer, Department of Architecture and Arts, Beijing Jiaotong University)Closing Remarks17:30 - 17:40
Buffet Reception17:40 - 18:30, 1F, Business School |
Day 4: Company VisitsNovember 25 08:30 - 12:00More details later |
Bongshin Lee 教授于 2024 年 3 月加入韩国延世大学计算机科学与工程系,专注于数据可视化、人机交互及人数据交互的研究,旨在通过数据、可视化和技术进步帮助每个人实现目标。在此之前,她在微软研究院工作了 17 年,担任高级首席研究员。Lee 教授是 IEEE 可视化与图形技术社区 (VGTC) 的主席,同时也是 ACM ISS 指导委员会的成员,现任 CHI 2025 的论文联合主席。她曾担任 ISS 2019 和 IEEE PacificVis 2017 的总主席,以及 IEEE InfoVis 2015 和 2016 和 IEEE PacificVis 2018 的论文主席。Lee 教授于 2020 年被选为 IEEE 可视化学院成员,并于 2006 年获得马里兰大学帕克分校计算机科学博士学位。
Bongshin Lee joined Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, as a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in March 2024, focusing on data visualization, human-computer interaction, and human-data interaction with the goal of empowering individuals to achieve their objectives through data, visualization, and technological advancements. Previously, she spent 17 years at Microsoft Research, serving as a Senior Researcher. Lee is the Chair of the IEEE VGTC (Visualization and Graphics Technical Community) and a member of the ACM ISS Steering Committee, currently serving as the Papers Co-Chair for CHI 2025. She has held leadership roles including General Co-Chair for ISS 2019 and IEEE PacificVis 2017, and has been a Papers Co-Chair for IEEE InfoVis 2015 and 2016, as well as IEEE PacificVis 2018. Lee was inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy in 2020 and earned her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland at College Park in 2006.
Dr. Jun Hu is a an Associate Professor in Design Research on Social Computing, and the Scientific Director for the Engineering Doctorate program in Designing Human-System Interaction at the Department of Industrial Design (ID), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Jiangnan University and a Guest Professor at Zhejiang University.
Dr. Jun Hu has a Ph.D. degree in Interaction Design and an Engineering Doctorate degree in User-system Interaction, both from TU/e. He also has a B.Sc degree in Mathematics and an M.Eng degree in Computer Science. He is a System Analyst and a Senior Programmer with qualifications.
伊藤贵之自2011年起担任日本御茶水女子大学人文数据工程系和信息科学系的全职教授,并自2019年起担任该大学人工智能与数据科学中心的主任。他是Graph Drawing 2022的总主席,IEEE Pacific Visualization 2018的大会主席,IEEE VIS 2023/2024的短文会议联席主席,以及IEEE Pacific Visualization 2024/2025的会议分会联席主席。他于1990年、1992年和1997年分别获得早稻田大学的学士、硕士和博士学位。1992年至2005年,他在IBM日本东京研究实验室担任研究员。自2005年起,他在御茶水女子大学担任副教授,并于2011年升为教授。他的研究兴趣包括可视化、计算机图形学、人机交互、多媒体和数据科学。
Takayuki Itoh is a full professor of the department of humanity data engineering and the department of information sciences in Ochanomizu University, Japan since 2011, and the director of the center for artificial intelligence and data science of the university since 2019. He is the general chair of Graph Drawing 2022, the general chair of IEEE Pacific Visualization 2018, a short paper co-chair of IEEE VIS 2023/2024, and a conference track co-chair of IEEE Pacific Visualization 2024/2025. He has received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Waseda University in 1990, 1992, and 1997, respectively. He has been a researcher at Tokyo Research Laboratory of IBM Japan during 1992 to 2005. He has been an associate professor in Ochanomizu University since 2005, and a full professor since 2011. His research interest includes visualization, computer graphics, human computer
interaction, multimedia, and data science.
Anthony Tang 是新加坡管理大学计算机与信息系统学院的副教授。他领导的 RICELab(Rethinking Interaction, Collaboration and Engagement)小组专注于人机交互研究,重点是 CSCW 和 UbiComp。他的团队目前的工作探索人智协作和沉浸式协作技术。他的团队得到了新加坡教育部和 NAVER 的慷慨资助。此前,他的工作得到了加拿大国家科学与工程师研究委员会、Meta、诺基亚以及 GRAND 和 SurfNet 的资助。在他的研究社区中,Anthony 担任第 25 届 ACM 计算机支持协同工作和社会计算会议 (CSCW 2022) 的总联合主席。他目前担任International Journal on Human-Computer Studies和HCI 杂志的副主编。此前,他曾就职于多伦多大学信息学院,担任研究副院长(2020-22 年)和博士生导师(2020-21 年)。在此之前,他曾就职于卡尔加里大学计算机科学系。
Anthony Tang is an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the Singapore Management University. He leads the RICELab (Rethinking Interaction, Collaboration and Engagement) group, which focuses on Human-Computer Interaction research with a focus on CSCW and UbiComp. His group's current work explores human-AI collaboration and immersive collaboration technologies. His group is generously funded by Singapore's Ministry of Education and NAVER. Previously, his work was funded by Canada's National Science and Engineer Research Council, Meta, Nokia, and through GRAND, and SurfNet. For his research community, Anthony served as General Co-chair for the 25th ACM Conference on Computer Supported-Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2022). He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal on Human-Computer Studies and the HCI Journal. Previously, he was in the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto, where he served as the Associate Dean of Research (2020-22) and PhD Director (2020-21). Prior to that, he was at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary.
Robert Xiao是英属哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系的助理教授。他的研究兴趣广泛,主要集中在HCI领域,尤其是传感、混合现实和可穿戴设备方面。他因其研究工作获得了多个奖项,包括CMU卓越研究奖、ACM SIGCHI杰出论文奖和ACM ISS持久影响奖。最近,他的研究重点是混合现实协作界面和增强现实界面。
Robert Xiao is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. He has wide-ranging research interests in HCI, most often in the areas of sensing, mixed reality, and wearable devices, and has received numerous awards for his work including an CMU Award for Research Excellence, ACM SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award and ACM ISS Lasting Impact Award. Most recently, his research has focused on mixed reality collaboration interfaces and on-world interfaces.
主持“科幻文学理论和学科体系建设”、“科幻新概念理论”、“西方科幻文论精选”、“新空间科幻电影”等科幻理论丛书和“最有想象力的科幻小说”、“世界著名科学家科幻”、“年度最佳科幻小说”等多个作品系列。曾任《科幻世界》特邀副主编。主编美国《科幻研究(Science Fiction Studies)》中国专号和论文集《(重新)想象这个世界:儿童文学应对未来变化((Re)imagining the World: Children’s Literature’s Response to Changing Times)》。现任中国科普创作协会副理事长,《科幻世界.少年版》特邀主编。
Wu Yan is a science fiction writer and professor in the Humanities Center at Southern University of Science and Technology. He has also served as the Director of Science and Human Imagination Research Center since last year. Wu Yan has published several works of science fiction, including: Spiritual Quest (Xinling Tanxian), and Life and Death of the Sixth Day (Shengsi Diliutian). His short stories, such as “Mouse Pad,” have been translated into many different languages.
He has received numerous awards including: The China National Book Award, the Five Best Cultural Works Project Prize, the National Prize for the Popularization of Science, the Bing Xin Literature Award, the Chinese Nebula Award and the Galaxy Award for Science Fiction. He has also been engaged in academic research, contributing to publications such as the “Outline of Science Fiction Literature” (Kehuan Wenxue Lungang). He is the editor of numerous scholarly works and has co-edited in English with Kerry Mallan and Roderick McGillis on (Re)imagining the world: Children’s Literature's Response to Changing Times. He is also a guest editor of the Special Edition of Chinese Science Fiction in the journal of Science Fiction Studies (SFS). Wu Yan is the pioneer of science fiction education and created the first SF curriculum in 1991 at Beijing Normal University. He has been the Vice-Chair of the China Science Writers’ Association(CSWA) since 2017 and was the President of the World Chinese Science Fiction Association (WCSFA) from 2010-2017.